A Productive Family

Activity Name: A Productive Family

Time Required: 20+ minutes

Ages: 4 and up

Introduction: Sometimes instead of talking about doing something, it’s best to just get up and do it. In this activity, family members will attempt to set the “world record” for completing a specific task.

What you need:

  • Fun and upbeat music playlist
  • Any other materials needed to complete your task
  • Whistle (optional)
  • Timer
  • Delicious reward

Decide in advance which task you really could use family members’ help to complete. You might pick one room that really needs to be picked up, a section of the yard that is covered in weeds, or a shed that needs to be painted. Have all the materials necessary for this task ready and on hand. Gather family members and ask them if they’d like to achieve a world record today. Tell them that their challenge today is to get the world-record fastest time in [insert the task that you want everyone to help complete]. Give some specific instructions on completing the task, then say “Go!” or blow your whistle and start your timer. Turn on the upbeat music to get everyone’s energy levels up as they work together on the task you’ve assigned them. Make sure to join in and keep it fun!

When the task is complete, stop your timer and congratulate everyone on the world record time in the task they just completed. Share a favorite treat together as a reward for their hard work.


  • How does it feel to have accomplished this task?
  • Getting tasks done is called being productive. What if we could do something this
  • productive every day? How do you think we would feel?
  • If we were to pick another productive thing to do tomorrow, what would you say that thing should be?
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